Distribution channel
Distribution channel

The three-stage distribution channel of our sanitary products

Manufacturers like Dallmer need strong distribution partners to enable us to provide our many professional users and end customers with fast and efficient services wherever they are.

Which is why the three-stage distribution channel is ideal for us. We do not supply end customers or companies/customers from other industries.

We assume that installation engineers are best qualified to look after end users and that they will procure their products via a wholesale platform, where they will have the best range of options to meet the customer's needs and ensure they are professionally installed.

Dallmer distribution channel
Dallmer distribution channel

The three-stage sales route starts with us, the manufacturer (1). We supply wholesale trade (2). That is where the specialist tradesperson (3) purchases the products which are ultimately installed on the end customer's property. By working closely with professional and specialist trade, we ensure that our products are selected appropriately and installed correctly.

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