Fire insulation in construction law

Fire insulation in construction law
Fire insulation in construction law

At a glance

Fire insulation in drainage technology

In preventive fire insulation, floor and roof drains with a vertical outlet are regarded as pipe or ceiling feedthroughs which have to be sealed off so that if fire breaks out, it cannot spread via the drainage pipes.

Minimum requirements for fire insulation

The minimum requirements for fire insulation for pipe systems are documented in the construction ordinances, Technical Construction Rules and the Administrative Regulations for Technical Construction Rules of the individual federal states.

Preventive fire insulation

Is regulated, for instance, by the MBO, LBOs, DIN EN 12056, DIN 4102 and LAR.

Model Conduit Systems Directive (MLAR)

The MLAR explains how to achieve the safety objectives specified by the Regional Building Code.

Obligatory identification marking and information

Manufacturers of pipe bushings and the companies who carry out the sealing-off of pipes are required to provide proof that the pipe bushings comply with the certificates of usability and to document the conditions in which the implemented pipe bushing functions.

Fire insulation in drainage technology

Within the context of preventive fire insulation, plastic drains with vertical outlets are regarded as pipe/ceiling feedthroughs which require sealing off. This is because if a fire breaks out, flames, smoke and heat can spread very quickly via the wastewater pipes and set fire to further floors of a building. The same applies to flat roofs. In this case, the fire can jump to the roof via the roof drains. In order to prevent this, it must be possible to professionally seal all feedthroughs of this type in compliance with the pertinent standards.

More on the subject of fire insulation:

Minimum requirements for fire insulation for pipe systems

The minimum requirements for fire insulation for pipe systems are documented in the construction ordinances, Technical Construction Rules and the Administrative Regulations for Technical Construction Rules of the individual federal states.

Current models published by ARGEBAU as the basis for introductions into construction law in the federal states:

  • MBO: Model Building Code 2002, last amended in 2016 by resolution of the Conference of Ministers of Construction
  • MLAR/LAR: Model directive on fire insulation requirements for pipe systems 2016 (LAR = published version in the federal states)
  • MVV TB: Model Administrative Regulation for Technical Construction Rules 2019/-1

Given that the model guidelines are regularly revised, the current version must always be applied.

Preventive fire insulation

Preventive fire insulation when installing floor drains in ceilings with requirements for the fire resistance duration

According to the construction requirements of the Model Building Code MBO §14 "Fire insulation" and the respective definitions of the "fire insulation paragraphs" in the introduced Regional Building Codes for construction, floor drains must be arranged, modified and maintained as a component of the drain pipes so that the outbreak of fire and spread of fire and smoke is prevented, and it is possible to rescue people and animals and carry out effective extinguishing work in case of fire.

Important note: MBO § 14 - Fire insulation

Physical structures must be arranged, erected, modified and maintained so that the outbreak of fire and spread of fire and smoke is prevented, and it is possible to rescue people and animals and carry out effective extinguishing work in case of fire.

Standard requirements and directives for preventive fire insulation

DIN EN 12056
DIN 4102
Regional Building Codes
Conduit Systems Directive (LAR)

Requirements of MLAR 11/2005

Obligatory identification marking and information

Overview of standards and directives

Model Building Code
DIN 1986-100
DIN EN 12056
DIN 4102
DIN EN 13501
Model Building Code

Is published by the committee of ministers and senators of the 16 federal states responsible for urban development, construction housing (ARGEBAU).

Regional Building Code

The Regional Building Codes (LBO) of the federal states regulate the requirements which have to be adhered to for the building project. All Regional Building Codes are based on the Model Building Code.

Model Conduit Systems Directive, issued by the ARGEBAU, published by the German Institute for Construction Engineering (DIBt)

The MLAR explains how to achieve the (fire) safety targets specified by the Model Building Code. It serves as a guideline for the planning and installation of conduits and drains for preventive fire insulation. The LAR is the issue announced as construction legislation in the respective federal state. The LAR describes the requirements of conduits, including fastenings and insulating materials, in conjunction with installation in emergency escape routes. The LAR aims to improve preventative fire insulation in conduit systems and help all involved to erect buildings to an appropriate and compatible safety standard. The LAR defines the execution principles for the penetration of a vertical pipe or a floor / roof drain through a fire-resistant wall or ceiling. The wall and / or ceiling feedthroughs then have to be implemented in conjunction with national certification of suitability for use (abZ/abP/aBG) in R 30/60/90/120 quality.

Model Administrative Regulation for Technical Construction Rules (MVV TB)

MVV TB represents an important addition to the Regional Building Codes (LBO). The Regional Building Codes regulate planning, dimensioning and implementation of structures and the use of construction products. They also formulate general requirements which are put into concrete terms by MVV TB and clarified with reference to the valid technical rules.

Floor, ceiling and roof drains are always the starting point of any drainage system and are considered an integral part of such a system according to DIN EN 12056 and DIN 1986-100. For that reason, they must also comply with the requirements of the Conduit Systems Directive.

This standard refers to gravity drainage within buildings and specifications, including how drainage systems are to be planned and installed in order to ensure reliable protection against the spreading of fires. In buildings where pipes need to be fed through walls and ceilings that are subject to special requirements in terms of fire resistance, special measures are required according to national and international regulations.

This standard refers to the fire behaviour of components and materials. It defines the fire resistance classes of materials to be used in house technology and how the components and materials are to be tested.

European standard for the fire behaviour classification of building products and building elements. It serves a similar purpose at European level to DIN 4102 at German level.

Construction Tendering and Contract Regulations

The VOB is processed by the German Tendering and Contract Committee and regulates the tendering and contract conditions for construction jobs. It comprises three parts:

  • Part A: General provisions for the tendering of building services
  • Part B: General contract conditions for the implementation of building services
  • Part C: General technical contract conditions for building services


Fire insulation
Fire resistance classes

Fire insulation includes all measures that contribute towards the prevention and control of fires. Because this is a broad and complex field, different types of fire insulation are divided into the following categories:

  • Preventive fire insulation
    Concrete measures that contribute towards enabling a fire to be extinguished as quickly as possible and that help save people and animals.
  • Technical fire insulation
    All technical systems that help fire prevention, fire detection and fire suppression – typical examples are smoke detectors, automatic extinguishing systems and smoke and heat extraction systems.
  • Structural fire insulation
    This specifies the materials and components that may be used and how emergency escape routes and extinguishing systems are to be planned.
  • Organisational fire insulation
    Fire officers and company training on the topic of fire insulation fall under the heading of organisational fire insulation.
  • Defensive fire insulation
    All concrete measures aimed at preventing fires and stopping the spread of fires.

As per DIN 4102 and DIN EN 13501, building products are divided into different classes, depending on how long they retain their functionality when exposed to heat.

Dated: November 2020

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